Respect the opportunities that life gives you to grow!
Sometimes we focus too much on learning new things. Sometimes its best to unlearn old things in order to learn a NEW way of thinking. Respect the opportunities that life gives you to grow; the people/situations that challenge you will fuel your evolution. Everything comes to us that belongs to us if we create the capacity to receive it......
“Sometimes its best to unlearn old things in order to learn a NEW way of thinking.”
Open yourself to receive the full harvest of the seeds you've planted. Whether good or bad, no that you've got something coming your way. It's all in how you to choose to embrace the lessons and gifts that come from what you've given! Are you ready to take responsibility for the seeds you've dropped along the way?
Shifting - Assignment
Plant a seed today! A good one! Do a nice deed or gesture for a stranger. Pack an extra snack for the coworker you don't particularly like. Hold the elevator for the lady running full speed, spilling coffee on her blouse and dropping everything out of her purse to beat the clock. Every nice thing will come back to you ... plant a seed for your future self today!
Example: Decide your good deed, do it and share it with us on social media.
Today, I bought the lady in line behind me at Starbucks a cup of her favorite coffee. #Shifting #DiscoveryHouse #DawnOfTheDay #PlantedSeed